Friday, October 10, 2014

Maysen's 17th Birthday

Turns out Maysen was very, very happy with her water dragon. Adorable.
Mike, Maysen, (Jorja & Stockton)
We gave her the water dragon this morning.  Thought she would love to know it was waiting for her when she came home from school.
She has named him Ezekiel.  Although we have no idea if it is a he or a she.  I asked the lady at the pet store, but they had already but him/her in the box.  She said he/she would be too skittish to check for a few weeks.  We will just assume it is male.
 Or Zeke
 So happy!
Jorja and Preston had the day off.  Maysen was jealous.  We went to Sonic for lunch and picked up some food for Maysen.  We met her at lunch.  Maysen couldn't remember if I was going to bring her something.  We had kind of talked about it, but when I dropped her off at school I forgot to remind her.  She glanced in the cafeteria and saw Preston in his bright orange clothes.  That came in handy!

Scoop and Cori came over and gave Maysen a present.  They gave her a straightening iron, 2 brushes and hair clippy things.  Like to keep your hair out of your face while you are using the straightening iron.  Scoop also threw in a pack of cards into the gift bag.  We played Hearts with him for awhile before they had to leave.  That was really fun.

Maysen wasn't really hungry, so she asked Mike if we could do the crepes for breakfast tomorrow.  We had cake for dinner today.  Maysen picked out a Cold Stone cake batter cake.  It was really good! I am not a cake batter fan, but in the cake it actually made sense!
Next were presents.  She got more than just the water dragon.  Spoiled little child.
 Jorja gave her a opossum Webkinz
 Maysen & Jorja
 Preston gave her Monster Manor on her ds
Preston & Maysen
 Kit-Kats from Stockton
 Preston, Stockton, Maysen, Jorja
Maysen also got a cell phone.  Her old one was starting not to work well.  Also, it wouldn't support Instagram and other such things.  Mike and I try to encourage her to do anything social, so we want her to be able to Instagram when she would like to.
Maysen & Jorja
 Sisters.  Love it!
All in all, I think Maysen would consider her birthday a success!  We sure love that (not so little anymore) girl!

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