Saturday, October 11, 2014

Meet the Mormons

I woke up early to exercise.  I woke Mike up when I got home and had him make crepes.  He had slept longer then he meant to.  We were able to have a nice breakfast before I took Maysen to take her practice ACT test.  She was gone all morning!  We picked her up around 12:30.  She did pretty good on her test.  She scored around a 28.  Her English and Reading are really high, but the math is pulling her down.  We didn't let Maysen rest long because we went straight to Meet the Mormons.  I enjoyed it, but it was a little hard for Preston to sit through.  Luckily the seat rests can be folded up and he was able to lay on my lap.  He did really good for a little boy.

Jorja had fun making an October birthday cake with me.  It had about six different colors in it.  I hope it turns out yummy!

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