Friday, November 28, 2014

Cooking with Bubs

Bubs came over today to teach me how to make stock from the left over turkey.  I wrote down everything, so I hope I can remember it.  The house smelled so good!  I made turkey velvet soup for dinner.  One of my favorite memories.  Turkey velvet soup after sledding all day at the cabin.  Love it.  Even though I hadn't been sledding all day it was still delicious.

I have been feeling guilty that I didn't postpone Preston's baptism.  In Georgia I tried everything to be able to get family at my children's baptisms.  Both of Preston's grandpa's are going to be out of town. My dad left for Israel today.  I decided I would talk to Preston about it and if he wanted to change it I would, even though I had already told everyone about it.  Preston made a sad face when he realized his grandpas wouldn't be there.  I asked if he wanted to get baptized in January.  He thought about it and said, "I want to get baptized now." Okay.  That takes the guilt off of me.  Later I was talking to the Primary President about it.  She said, "Preston has had to watch everyone get baptized this entire year.  Then he missed the November date by a few days.  He is more than ready."  That is true.  Preston has a big primary class and it had to be hard waiting this long, especially when they talk about it a lot for his age.  I'm glad he's so excited to get baptized.  He is such a sweet little boy.

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