Saturday, November 29, 2014

Dive Clinic

I took Stockton and Josh to a dive clinic at BYU today.  I was just going to drop them off and Josh's mom was picking them up, but then I decided to stay.  I love watching Stockton dive.  When he dove at the U I would watch him all the time.  It was too far to come back and I didn't have anyone to carpool with.  It is great that he can carpool with Josh, but I just don't get to watch him like I used to. Stockton and Josh spent most of the time working on the 3 meter.  They did a little 1 meter and finished up with a fun dive on the 5 meter.  I was hoping they would get to do the harnesses, but they only worked with one group on those. Stockton said he was fine not doing that.  I took a few pictures, but they didn't turn out really well so I'm not even going to bother putting them on here.

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