Sunday, November 9, 2014

Good-bye Forever 7-Year Old

We are back to the real world here.  Messy house, church callings, family dinners.  Mike did get the house under control before we left for church.  He did that while I made rolls.  He also made ice cream potatoes, which were a big hit.
Stockton loves it when I hug him
 He just doesn't like to admit it
My family came over after church.  My dad made this yummy Hawaiian chicken with potatoes and jello.  The kids loved Mike's ice cream potatoes.  They had these desserts at Red Robin years ago.  I remember having one when I was pregnant with Maysen.  Mike's parents were with us waiting for the baby to be born.  Anyway, it is ice cream shaped like a baked potato.  Mike puts a coco/cinnamon mixture around it. Right before they are served the whipped cream goes on (to look like sour cream) while the rest of the potato is drizzled with hot fudge and caramel.  So good!

My little baby is growing up.  Tomorrow is his 8th birthday.  He told me, "You will never have a 7 year old again."  Sad but true.  I miss my babies.  I miss my toddlers.  I miss the little kids.  But I am thrilled to watch who they are becoming.  I don't want this stage of my life to end. All of my children are with me.  We have a huge amount of freedom because they are out of the baby/toddler/little kid stage.  I just want these next two years to move slowly.  I can't believe Maysen is a junior. Didn't she just turn 8 yesterday?
Saying 'good-night' to my 7 year old forever

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