Monday, November 10, 2014

Happy 8th Birthday Preston!

My baby is 8.  Wow.  He is such a precious little boy.  He is full of love and joy.  We are so happy we were blessed to have him in our lives. There was a time I was pretty sure we would only have three kids.  Not by our choice.  Luckily we were blessed with this amazing soul.
I needed to take Mike to work today so I could use the jeep.  My car is in the shop.  Mike wanted to get there early, so I woke up Preston to open presents.  Jorja wanted to give her present to Preston before school.  Mike and I had a before school present too.  Preston didn't seem to mind.
 Jorja gave him a pina~colada sucker and a mine craft toy
 Preston and Jorja
 Mike and I gave him a Wolf book along with a scout shirt
 Ummm....Preston, you look creepy
I was able to drop Mike off and get back home in time to take the other kids to school.  Preston was ready when I got back and the two of us headed to the store.  We wanted to pick up some birthday treats for him to handout to his class.  He picked mini-cupcakes and Biscoff cookies.  He was so happy with that!  I usually volunteer in his classroom on Mondays, so that worked out well.  I met Preston for lunch.  I asked him what he would like.  Maysen had picked Sonic. Jorja wanted Jamba Juice and Chick-Fil-A.  Preston, what did he want?  He wanted Lunchables.  Haha!

I started to get really worried about Boing today.  I called and got a 4:15 appointment.  I asked Mike if I could pick him up earlier.  That worked out well.  Preston really wanted to open the rest of his presents, so we opened them really quickly.  He was thrilled when he got the Great Wolf Lodge medallion from Maysen.
Maysen & Preston
 Wand topper from Great Wolf Lodge
 Baptism book
 Tom & Jerry hot air balloon
 DIY Straws I found in France
 A mini dream light version of his pillow pet
Today was also Preston's first time going to scouts.  Sue is his leader. She is so much fun.  He is going to love it.  She has had this calling for awhile, I was really hoping Preston would get her for a leader.
Preston & Sue
 Sue & Judy
Preston, Ethan, Griffin, Braxton, Aiden
Mike, Jorja and I dropped Preston off and then hurried down to the vet.  Turns out Boing has a broken leg, or a bent leg that has healed weird.  I can't remember, but that is why she has been so hurt.  Poor little froggy.  We got some medicine to give the frog.  He said if Boing doesn't start eating in the next few days we would need to feed her watered down dog food.  That's random.  Jorja whispered to me while we were at the vet, "I'm so glad we brought her in."  She is even going to help pay for the appointment.  She really loves her frogs.
Preston wanted crepes for dinner.  It is also Erica's birthday, so their family came over for crepes too.  Erica is in a play, so they didn't make it until quite late, but it worked out perfectly . . . especially since we had a vet visit thrown in there.  Shannon made the cake for both of them.  I was grateful for that because I was frazzled and extremely busy!
 Eighteen candles for Erica, Eight for Preston
 Birthday boy/girl
 Preston & Erica
 Erica & Preston
Erica gave Preston different packages of candy.  Preston gave Erica some ice cream bars.  Simple and perfect.

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