Tuesday, November 11, 2014

This and That

I spent most of the day looking for a video I know we have.  Mike videoed my grandpa talking about the war.  I thought it would be perfect to show the girls today.  I have no idea where we put it.  I wish I was organized and I wish I could remember things.  Very frustrating.  I ended up talking to the girls about my grandpa from my memory, but it is not as cool as the real thing.  Even though the video wouldn't have been the real thing, it would have been the best I could do.  I am so grateful for my grandpa and all the sacrifices he has made for us. Beyond the heroic sacrifices he made in the war when he was young, he is the best grandpa ever!

Mike and I picked up our van from the shop today.  We had it in the shop while we were in France.  We went to pick it up yesterday after the vet, but there was one thing they hadn't fixed.  Our door has been broken for awhile.  I called it, "My first world problem door".  It kept getting stuck when I would open it or close it, but because it is automatic I can't just close it myself.  Super annoying, especially when you have a car full of girls delivering cookies to neighbors.  The shop said they couldn't recreate the problem.  Really?  It only works 5% of the time.  Anyway, hopefully it is fixed now.  It sure does drive a lot better, it practically feels like a new car.  We do need to still get the bumper fixed.  I crashed into our wall a few years ago.  We had gotten our snow tires off the day before, then it snowed.  I tried to go up our driveway, but that turned out to be a bad idea.  We can't pass inspection until the bumper is fixed.  Mike wants to try and duck tape it and see if it will pass that way.

I found out today that my good friend from high school, Kristi Bell, has breast cancer.  My heart is breaking.  She is having a double mastectomy on Thursday.  I can't even imagine how scared she must be.  At least before my double mastectomy I knew I would be okay after.  She has to go into surgery and wonder if she will need chemo or not after and what her chances will be to survive.  Her dad died of melanoma when she was 7 years old.  I hope she will be okay.

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