Wednesday, November 12, 2014

That and This

My friend, Jill Hardcastle, from elementary school and I were supposed to have lunch today.  She was going to meet me at my house.  She wasn't able to come.  They had just moved into a new (old) house a year ago.  The boiler went out.  That is what heats their house and their water.  She was freezing.  She said all of her kids had to take cold showers this morning.  The boiler is so old that not many people can service it.  Someone was supposed to come at 9:00, but when I talked to her they still hadn't gotten there.  Yikes!  I hope she gets it fixed today!  We are going to try again for tomorrow.

Maysen and Stockton had a dentist appointment.  It's not their favorite thing, but I enjoy taking them because I get to see Eric.  Eric was one of Mike's best friends growing up.  Sometimes he tells the kids stories of the things he and Mike used to do.  Mike says Eric has a crazy imagination.  I took Stockton to diving right after we got back.  I got back and thought everything I needed to do was done for the day.  I asked Jorja if she wanted to drop off the painted figurines to her friends.  She has been begging me to do that for a long time.  While we were searching in the dark for houses I got a phone call.  Luckily I answered it!  I had forgotten to send Preston to piano lessons!  Drat!  I called home and Preston answered.  I had him gather up his stuff and run down the street to Sister Newman's house.  Glad he was able to make it!

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