Thursday, November 13, 2014


Jill came over today.  It was so much fun!  Sometimes I forget how amazing it is to be around friends you've known most of your life.  We spent several hours together talking about everything.  My kids would have been bored out of their mind!  Years ago Jill and I planned our weddings together.  We didn't have the celebrations together, but we got married a week apart.  For some reason, Mike's mom really wanted us to get married on September 15th.  She kept hinting about how we should change the date.  Once she found out that Jill was getting married on that day she never asked us to change the date again.  She knew Jill.  When Mike was gone on his mission Jill and I would come up to family dinner at his house.  Jill's oldest daughter, Sadie, is a senior.  I remember when Sadie was born.  Maysen is almost a year younger than her.  For some reason right now I can't remember Sadie's middle name, but I remember Jill saying her name meant 'princess of peace'.  I laughed and said, "we named our daughter, 'worker of stone'". Jill was talking about Sadie's plans after high school.  I hope the next two years go slow for me.  I want to enjoy every second with Maysen.  It scares me to have her grow up.  I love having them all home where I can see them everyday.  Of course I want them to grow up eventually and have their own families.  I'm sure if they were all in their 40s and living with me my heart would ache for what they were missing.  So, I want to enjoy every second of the next few years while they are little and they are mine.

Jill and I went to lunch at a sandwich shop that she likes.  It was so yummy!  It is really close to Mike's work.  I will need to go there with him.  So good!  We spent another couple of hours there until her daughter, Aubrey, called and asked her to take her to work.  Hopefully it won't be so long until I see her again!
Stephanie and Jill - I'm not looking
 Jill's not looking
 I guess I thought something was funny,
I never realized how old I look when I laugh!
I also had one picture with Jill's eyes closed and the next picture with my eyes closed.  I spared the blog those pictures.  You're welcome.

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