Friday, November 14, 2014

Thoroughly Modern Millie

Jorja and Preston had the day off of school today.  Jorja's end of the quarter was yesterday.  She has tried so hard to get all As.  Right now she has all As with and A- in science.  She is hoping with the extra credit she did it will boost her grade to an A.  She is pretty nervous about it.  I took Jorja and Preston to Bruges Waffles.  They had never been there before.  It was delicious.
Jorja and Preston
Jazzie came over to play today, so Jorja was loving life.  Jazzie's going to come over tomorrow to help with Preston's party.  Mike was trying to convince Preston to have a certain party game.  He said when he was young one of their favorite things to do was to get a cup of flour and put it upside down so it made a flour tower.  They would put a penny on top.  Then they would each take a turn cutting into the tower with a butter knife.  The person would lose when the penny fell.  Then they would have to get the penny out of the flour with their teeth.  Here is a picture of Mike demonstrating.
Maysen and I went to Erica's play.  She was in Thoroughly Modern Millie.  We had a great time watching her.  Neither of us had seen the play before.  Maysen thought it was disturbing in a funny way.  We had to leave before we could say hello to Erica, but Maysen sent her back a rose.  I was hoping to get Preston's cake made before I left, but I was out of eggs.  Maysen and I got eggs on the way home and then I stayed up and made Preston's cake.  I convinced Mike to take it out of the oven for me so I could go to bed.  I am not a night person at all and I'm getting up early for my exercise class.  Busy, fun day.

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