Friday, November 21, 2014

Lost Homework

I dropped Maysen and Stockton at school early so I could take Jorja and Preston to the dentist.  Jorja has one more baby tooth in.  When that comes out and her new one comes in she will most likely need braces.  Boo!  Doesn't surprise me though, if Stockton needed braces I don't think the other kids have any hope.  Only a few weeks more and Stockton gets his braces off!  Yay!

When I got home I noticed a message from Maysen.  She had left her psychology homework on her scanner and was wondering if I could bring it to her.  I looked, but couldn't find it.  We decided that I would pick her up at lunch and take her home so she could look.  Maysen couldn't find her homework either.  Luckily her psychology class is at the end of the day.  She printed up another copy so she could do it during 3D animation.  Later I got a text from her saying that he homework was in her folder all along.  She was very frustrated about that.

I spent the entire day in Gingerbread Land.  I made twelve houses.  My oven worked great.  At the end of the day, while my last gingerbread was in the oven I knelt down and hugged my oven and said, "I love you!"  As soon as I did that the oven turned off.  It had been on for ten hours straight.  I only had five minutes left!  No worries though, I was able to get the last piece cooked.

We watched Bubs and Ange's kids today from 5-10.  Bubs had asked me a couple of weeks ago.  I thought they were going to go to Hunter's play. Instead Bubs reffed some games.  When he came to pick up the kids I asked him why he changed his plans.  He said that he didn't realize the games had started this early and he didn't block out the day so he could go to the play with Ange.  That's disappointing.  He seemed sad about that.  His kids were great though.  Jorja is so good playing with them. She took care of them so I could finish Gingerbread Land.  We got Millie asleep in the guest room and then had five kids "asleep" in Preston's room.  Lincoln was on Stockton's bed.  Jorja blew up an air mattress for her and Abby, Preston was in his bed and on the pull out bed was Ella.  They actually fell asleep only twenty minutes before Bubs came.  We could hear them laughing and giggling, it was cute but I did get annoyed with Preston.  He gets a little obnoxious that late and when he has friends over.  Probably like us when we were little.  Especially Justin.  Haha!  We must have driven our parents crazy!

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