Saturday, November 22, 2014

Stockton's First High School Diving Meet

I had my exercise class this morning, took a quick shower and made it to our planning meeting with all the youth.  We planned all the combined activities for the entire year.  Usually we do this in January, but it was really nice to do it now.  Hopefully I'll be able to pull off the Amazing Race this year, because that is what I got signed up for.  So many people were disappointed that I backed out of it last year.  I just need to not try to do everything myself.  Also, this time I am scheduled to do it before my vacation instead of right after!  Our service activity is going to be a talent show at the nursing home.  That ended up being scheduled while I'm in New York with my dad.  Oh well.

Stockton had his first dive meet for high school today.  It was in Herriman.  Our entire family went.  It was so fun watching him!  He placed first for Alta.  Haha.  He was the only diver for Alta.  He placed seventh overall.  In order to qualify for state you need to compete in three (I think) meets and land a dive from each category.  Stockton landed all of his dives.  Even his dreaded twist dive that he hates.  Now that he has that done he can work on upping his degree of difficulty.
Stockton's first competition dive for high school.
Too bad I had the camera and only got a lame picture.
 Mike took over.  This one is much better!
We rushed home from the dive meet so Stockton could change.  I totally forgot to have him bring clothes!  He threw some clothes on and then we headed down to Matt and Sam's for Anne's birthday party!  I can't believe she is one already!  We ate pizza, had cake, gave Anne a present then Mike, Maysen and I left the rest of the kids and went to Alta.  My dad brought the three younger kids home when they were ready to leave.
Jorja & Anne
 Maysen, Jorja, Anne
Mike, Maysen and I went to see Alta's musical.  My nephew Michael is in it.  The musical was How to Succeed in Business Without Even Trying.  I had never seen this and knew nothing about it.  I was shocked and disturbed by the musical.  I found it disgusting.  The words, the premise - just about everything.  I was bothered that this is what the high schoolers were given to preform.  Michael is a senior and loves everything about drama.  Especially musicals.  He has to end with this one?  I wanted to leave so bad, but didn't.  I mostly didn't leave because Michael's big part was at the end of the show.  I wanted to support him. Nathan told me that Alta put on the play for the elementary school, like they do every year.  They were supposed to do it twice, but after the first time the school called up and cancelled.  I am so thankful I only brought Maysen.  It was bad enough she had to sit through it, but I can't imagine bringing Preston to that!  Michael did a great job with what he was given.  I love watching him on stage.  I just wish I could have loved the production he was in.

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