Sunday, November 23, 2014

My Medallion

We had our Evening in Excellence tonight.  The Miamaids were in charge, so it was really nice for me!  I also earned my Young Womens' Medallion.  I started this back when Maysen turned 12 and we lived in Georgia.  I finally finished!  Now I can start again and do it with Jorja. Here is a picture with me and the other girls that earned their medallions today also.
Riley, Stephanie, Emily, Paige
These are the girls that earned their medallions this year.  It seems Melissa should be there too, maybe it has been a year since she earned hers.  Ashley was in a horrific accident that almost took her life a few days before she was supposed to receive hers.  That was back in February.  She looks so great now!  I am so thankful she was protected. As bad as her accident was, it could have been worse!  (She hit her head on a deck while riding a snowmobile.  Hit the gas instead of the break.)
Ashley, Riley, Stephanie, Emily, Paige, Severine
All these girls were my beehives at one time except Emily.  I was called into Young Womens one month after she turned 14.  I adore these girls, and the girls I get to work with now.  A new girl just moved into our ward today.  We will also get a new beehive on Wednesday.  That makes 14.  Wow!  It sure isn't Georgia out here!

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