Monday, November 24, 2014

Police Station

Preston went on a field trip with his scouts to the police station.  He thought it was so cool!  He told me that Judy (one of his leaders) got beeped at the medal detector because she has a metal leg.  I think she just has screws in her knees.  He loved seeing the jail.  He came home happy and thought he was pretty hot stuff.  His den leader sent me this picture.
Griffin, Braxton, Preston, Aiden
Mike and I were able to glue all the houses together.  We had sixteen.  I made twelve on Friday, but realized I forgot to make one for Olivia. Her birthday is on Wednesday, but I was hoping she can come early.  I did get ahold of her mom and she won't be able to come because she will be out of town.  I also needed a new house for Lacey who just moved in.  I made the houses this morning, and they were dry enough to put together tonight.  I usually like to wait 24 hours, just to be safe.  I was exhausted by the time I went to bed, but I'm really excited for tomorrow!

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