Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Gingerbread with the Beehives

I did it!  With Mike's help of course.  I have 16 houses ready to be decorated.  I love this activity, but it sure takes a lot of work!
The houses
 The candy
I had planned to take Stockton to diving today and Mike was going to pick him up.  We didn't want him to miss today because he was already going to miss on Thanksgiving.  Turns out that diving for the entire week was cancelled.  The pool was closed for a swim meet today, so the coach wanted them to meet at Airborne for trampoline practice. Stockton was so excited!  The only problem was, now Mike couldn't take him home.  Josh didn't go because they had left for Thanksgiving. That left me.  I took a book and read while I watched the practice.  It was just past 6:00 when I realized I couldn't see Stockton.  The place is huge and I looked through it twice before I found him in the dodgeball area.  He didn't want to leave.  Finally I made him.  I was pretty stressed.  We got home about 6:45 and the girls were coming at 7:00. Luckily I got almost everything ready during the day.  Also I was lucky that Mike came home and cleaned the rest of the kitchen for me.
Stockton on 'The Wall' before practice
The girls had a great time.  Everyone showed up except two.  Hadley-Kate ended up having family come that she wasn't expecting.  Lauren didn't come either.  I called and texted her a couple of times, but didn't get any answer.  The twins each brought a friend.  I had a little panic attack.  I ended up giving them the leaders houses to decorate.  When I realized Hadley-Kate and Lauren weren't coming the leaders (Kristen and Kari) were able to decorate those.  I have two other houses that are made but not put together.  Mike and I got them assembled before bed so we could drop them off to Hadley-Kate and Lauren tomorrow.
Majena, Olivia, Olivia, Annabell, Cora's hair
 Friend, Sephora, Friend, Senora, Lacey
 Jorja and Carson are at the counter
 Olivia, Olivia and Annabelle
 Annabelle, Cora, Carson
 Sephora's friend
 Sephora's back yard
 Olivia (Olivia)
 Cora, Olivia, Majena
 Sephora's friend
 Sephora's friend & Sephora
 Senora's friend, Sephora & Senora
 My attempt to get a picture of my beehives
 Jorja, Senora, Sephora, Carson, Annabelle, Ebony, Cora, Lacey
Olivia, Olivia, Majena
 Senora, Sephora, Carson, Annabelle, Ebony
Jorja, Olivia, Olivia, Majena
 Carson, Annabelle, Ebony, Cora, Lacey
Olivia, Olivia, Majena
I love both of my beehive leaders.  I didn't get a picture of Kari, but I did of Kristen.  Kristen is amazing.  We like to joke that she is the pied piper of the beehives.  Every single one of them adore her.  She is super awesome.  She teaches at Salt Lake Community College and has spent years studying dolphins.  She lived in Hawaii for 6 years.  She has been to cool places like New Zealand and Iceland.  She often gets asked to travel to give presentations.  She has given each of the beehives their own nickname.  With fourteen beehives she manages to make each of them feel unique and special.  I love working with her!  So lucky!
The beehives left my house on quite the sugar high.  I am completely exhausted, but so happy to be able to say that today was a success!

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