Wednesday, November 26, 2014


I dropped of Hadley-Kate and Lauren's gingerbread houses.  I gave them a frosting bag and a big filled with candy.  Lauren was standing outside when I got there.  She looked a little confused as I walked up to her.  All of a sudden it dawned on her why I was there.  She said, "Was the gingerbread houses yesterday?"  I told her they were and that I tried to call her.  Her phone had broken and she had forgotten.  She looked so disappointed.  I wish I had been able to get ahold of her.  I feel bad she missed it.  She said it felt like a Friday and she forgot completely.  It did feel like a Friday.  The kids didn't have school today and they are so happy about it.  I took them to get the flu mist, but Jorja also had a shot she needed to get.  She wasn't happy about it, but she didn't scream and cry and she didn't need anyone to hold her down.  That is a first!

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