Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas at the Cabin!

Merry Christmas!  What a fantastic Christmas we had!  It was picture postcard perfect.  Snow, snow and more snow.  Beautiful big flakes.  So amazing!  My family each had a Christmas stocking and we had a family Santa present.  We got a GoPro.  I think Stockton and Mike will have a lot of fun with that.
Our loot from Santa
Bubs' family got a WiiU and Mario Kart 8.  Sounds fun.  Obviously they got other stuff, but the WiiU was the one that held the most interest for my kids.
Bubs' family stockings
 Santa presents for Bubs and his family
Anne had a lot of presents because they didn't open any at home.  They brought all of them here.  It was cute to see her open them.
Matt and Sam's....
for some reason Anne's stocking is missing, but she had one.
 Bubs and Millie
 Lincoln gave Stockton a Wubble
I think it is a big bubble you can get inside.
 Opening the GoPro.  Maysen can't handle the excitement!
 Christmas morning
Stockton, Jorja, Preston, Maysen
 Ella gave Preston TWO reindeer!
Mike and I were in charge of the food today.  We made pancakes.  We wanted to make sure we had enough, so we brought up five boxes.  We over shot what we needed by a long way!  Better this way though.  I tried a pancake with Andes mint pieces in them.  I think I found my new favorite.  It was delicious!  I'll have to try that again!

A lot of time was spent sledding.  Stockton worked hard on getting the tracks ready for us.  My entire daily was out together for awhile.  I wish I had gotten a picture of us.  I didn't want to bring the camera out at first because it was snowing pretty hard.  Soon everyone was inside but Maysen and I.  (They were outside a long time before us!)  I took several pictures then.  It had stopped snowing and it wasn't very cold.  I taught Maysen how to drive the snowmobile.  She had done it before, but not by herself.  She drove the snowmobile while I sled.  Then we switched and switched again.  It was so much fun!  Neither of us wanted to go in until our fingers had been stinging with cold for awhile. The trail on the far side of the cabin was pretty fast.  The sleds we got for Christmas were working pretty well.  Maysen and I took turns with her sled.  Mike and I also got a huge black one.  I wasn't too hopeful about that one because large sleds in my experience have been very slow.  This one was great!  Jorja, Ella and Preston would go so fast on it.  They loved it!
Matt and Anne
Anne wasn't a huge fan of the snow, snowmobiles or sledding.
 Ange and Millie
 Ella, Bubs, Jorja
 Preston & Mike
Abby, Maysen, Stockton
 Jorja, Ella, Preston
 First solo snowmobile drive
I took pictures from several different angles.  I always want to remember this part of my life.  So many good memories at the cabin. My favorite place on earth.  My mom's favorite place too.  I was standing at the bottom of the sled hill when I took these.
These pictures of Millie and Anne are pretty funny.  I think Millie enjoyed the hugging much more than Anne did!
Millie & Anne
We made pizza for dinner.  Just individual pizza on hamburger buns. We had a ton of toppings and two different sauces.  It was easy and delicious.  We also played a lot of Dominion.  I won the first game. Matt, Sam and I played another game.  It was extremely annoying.  We had torturer, goons and glum.  Matt would be able to play his cards and get rid of every card in our hand, so we couldn't have a turn.  He was basically playing the game with himself.  He had a great time though.  I think he scored over 100 and I only had 6.

Preston woke up around 11:00 thinking it was morning.  I talked him into going to my bed with me.  He was kind of confused.  Mike, Maysen and Matt stayed up playing Pirates.  I'm not sure what time they finished.  I was asleep long before it ended.

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