Friday, December 26, 2014

Stockton and Millie

I love being at the cabin.  I spent the day reading, sledding and playing games.  I'm annoyed that I forgot Brandon's stocking that I have been working on.  I planned on getting a lot done on it while I was here. Stockton spent a lot of time playing with Millie.  She had so much fun with him!  She would push him down and he would fall with great over exaggeration.  She would laugh and laugh.  Then he would pick her up and spin her around.  She did that over and over.  Really cute. Apparently it is also the only thing I took pictures of today.  And I took a lot of them.  Enjoy!
Stockton and Millie
 I love how Millie won't let Stockton stop playing with her.
Look at that smile!  She's in heaven!
 Maysen wanted in the fun.
Sam made the food today.  Delicious oven pancakes and easy as pie for dinner.  she made bread that looked like Santa.  Fancy.

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