Thursday, December 18, 2014


I spent most of the day making more gingerbread houses.  I'm hoping to have 12 ready for Sunday.  That is the last day of Gingerbread Factory.  My family will be decorating then.

Becky, Jacqui, Jenny and Darlene all met at Becky's house tonight.  We met at 9:00 to work on the Young Women Christmas gift.  Becky got mugs for the girls.  Becky, Jacqui and Darlene would put a letter sticker on the cup and then fill the surrounding area with dots.  They would then take the sticker off.  Turned out really cute.  Jenny and I worked on hair ties in the value colors.  That is going to be the birthday gift for the year.  It is nice having them all done already!

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