Friday, December 19, 2014

Lunch with Heather

I met my cousin Heather for lunch today.  It is a lot of fun to hang out with her.  I vividly remember my mom wanting me to hang out with Heather at Lagoon when I was in high school and she was in elementary school.  I didn't think it was fair that I was expected to do that just because there weren't many girls in the family!  After all, she didn't expect Brett to hang around with John - and they had a smaller difference in their age.  She would tell me, "When you are older the age won't matter and you will love to hang out with her."  I replied, "Then I'll hang out with her when I'm older!"  Haha!  Anyway, my mom was right.  I love hanging out with Heather and our ages don't matter at all. The only problem with our lunch dates is I keep Heather way too long. Before we knew it two hours had passed!  Yikes!  Can't wait to do it again though. 

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