Friday, December 5, 2014

Festival of Trees

My poor Jorja was sick today.  I got a call from her around 11:00 asking me to pick her up from school.  She came home and slept in the guest room for a long time.  I had been planning on taking the kids to Festival of Trees.  Jorja was sad she couldn't go.  (I wonder if Stockton wished he was sick so he could get out of it too?)  She asked me to text her pictures of trees I thought she would like.  I sent her a bunch!
Mario tree
 Ice cream tree
 Pirate tree
 Chinese tree
 Peacock tree
 Well, the peacock picture is for Maysen
 The coolest "tree" ever!
Enchanted Castle
I have always wanted to make a gingerbread temple.  They had three of them this year!  Two Salt Lakes and one Manti.
 M.C. Esher house
The playhouses are always fun to look at, but this year they were incredible!  Here were my two favorites.
Pirate ship
 Steamboat Willie
 with a bench, tree
 and slide
Steamboat Willie was still for sale.  Too bad I left my $9,000 in my other coat at home.

We went to the line to get the traditional scones and sweet rolls, but the line was so long!  We bailed out and headed to Iceburg for milkshakes. Everyone was happy!

Mike and I had a ward Christmas party tonight.  It was really fun.  We sat with the Bradleys, Stakers and Yauneys.  The food was delicious and I ate way too much dessert.  That was because I didn't have Stockton looking out for me knocking the dessert out of my hands.  The video Jaime put together was very cute.  Burke said, "Did anyone else feel intimidated watching Preston read that long passage?"  I laughed and said, "Jaime wanted him to memorize it, I thought this would be more manageable."  Anyway, besides my Porge being sick, today was a great day!

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