Saturday, December 6, 2014

Preston's Baptism

Today was such an incredibly busy/crazy day.  It was wonderful though.  Mike and I got up pretty early and worked on cleaning and cooking.  Mike also got several pictures hung up that we had been procrastinating doing.  He hung our family tree above the stove and it looks great!  He also got the picture that his mom bought from our wedding hung up behind the couch.  (Our wedding was at an art gallery.  The owner talked (probably guilted) Mike's mom into buying the picture.  When Mike's dad moved from their house, we were given the painting.  I'm so glad because Mike really wanted it!)

Stockton had a dive meet today.  Josh's parents took him because he needed to be there an hour early. I knew we would be stressed getting things done.  Mike and I are the best procrastinators!  We made Preston's programs and his slide show this morning.  I was pulling out pictures for his slide show and started to realize I wouldn't make it to Stockton's meet.  I was so sad.  Jorja asked if she could finish for me. Yay!  I was able to get to the University of Utah right as the meet started.  Jorja and Preston picked out the rest of the pictures and the video turned out great.  Stockton got 6th place this dive meet.  He was happy with that.

As soon as Stockton and I made it back home we hurried and got everything else ready for Preston.  Our neighbor Audrey came with us and was so cute and proud of Preston.  Bubs and Ange and their family came.  Matt, Sam, Anne and Cathy came.  Steve, Erica, Jacob and Weston came.  Lisa, Nathan, Melissa, Derek and Nova came.  Preston's primary teacher, Sister Rich, came.  The Bishop was there and the Ward Mission Leader, Dale Johnson, was there.  Also a lady from the stake primary came and Sister Peters from our ward primary presidency came.  We were thankful for everyone who was able to come support him.  We know that there were a lot of people who wished they could be there, but could not.  Especially Preston's grandpa's.  They were both out of town.

Mike gave a talk on baptism.  He talked to Preston about how important this decision was and how it will bind us together forever as a family.  Mike talked about his mom.  She died 9 years ago today. How cool for Preston to be baptized on this day!  We didn't even choose it. Preston was named after her.  He even picked the song, "Dear to the Heart of the Shepherd" for the opening song.  That is Preston's favorite song.  It is also his Grandma Honey's favorite song. He did not know that at all.  Tender mercy.  

The baptismal font in the stake center is in a hallway.  Kind of funny, but it works fine.  My brother Spencer and Mike's brother Steve were the witnesses.  Preston looked so happy.  He was cute when he came out of the water, he kind of made this gasping sound.  He didn't need to, he just likes to be funny.  While Preston and Mike were changing out of their wet clothes, we watched the video of Preston pictures.  I loved it.

I gave the talk on the Holy Ghost.  I had Preston's blanket that Grandma Parry made him.  It is all ratted and torn.  We talked about his blanket and how it makes him feel safe and loved.  We talked about how the Holy Ghost will be able to help him feel safe and loved.  It will comfort him when he needs to be comforted.  One amazing difference between his blanket and the Holy Ghost is that the more Preston uses the Holy Ghost the stronger it will become.  It would be so cool if that happened to his blanket!  (Preston would always show Grandma Parry his ratted blanket and say, 'Look how much I love it.')  I then read Preston different parts of the talk my dad wrote for Maysen.  We inserted Preston's name and it was wonderful.

We had asked all the cousins to sing, "Families Can Be Together Forever"; but then we forgot to put it on the program.  After Preston received the Holy Ghost and was shaking everyone's hands I whispered to Brother Johnson and asked if we could do it now.  This song has now been sung at each of my children's baptisms.  It is what I want most in the entire world, for my family to be together forever.  Both my family I grew up with and my family now.

The bishop and stake primary lady both talked to him.  We sang, "I Belong to the Church of Jesus Christ" for the closing hymn.  Jorja said the opening prayer and Stockton said the closing prayer, Maysen led the music.  Everything was perfect.  I am so proud of this little boy!
 Preston and Mike
We had dinner at our house afterwards.  Mike made different kinds of pasta.  We had different sauces and meatballs.  We also had taco stuff. Steve brought over a Chick-Fil-A plate that was quickly devoured. Jorja made red velvet sandwich cookies.  We also whipped up some s'more and root beer cookies.  Preston really wanted a smoothie in a pineapple, so we made one for him.
 Stephanie and Preston
 That is one well loved blanket!
 I love this boy!

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