Friday, December 12, 2014

Game It

Our neighbor has started an on-line competitive shopping app.  It is called Game It.  It is pretty fun and very frustrating.  You can win prizes by answering trivia questions, although it seems like it is a mix between trivia and hot potato.  I have only won 2 prizes.  Stockton has won 3 and Mike has won 2, I think.  Maysen has won the most with 5.  Two of the prizes Stockton won were Game It points.  I am the first one in my family to receive a prize in the mail.  I won these shoes.  I got them by answering baseball trivia of all things!  No idea how I pulled that one off.
Stephanie's new shoes
I also won lip stick.  Apparently I am only capable of winning girly prizes.  Bryce came up to Mike at the Christmas party and asked if he was 'Three Headed Monkey'.  Mike laughed and said, "No, that's Stockton."  Bryce thought that was hilarious.  I guess once Stockton started playing Game It they got 50 complaints that there was no way this was a real person and he had to be cheating.  Bryce looked up the address of threeheadedmonkey and saw it was our house.  He assumed it was Mike.  He said, "I can't wait to tell my brother that he is getting beaten by a 14 year old boy!"  Bryce's brother is a doctor and super smart.  Stockton is not a doctor, but is super smart and has quick reflexes.  Too bad he still has a hard time winning prizes.  It is funny that so many people complained about him when at the time all he had one was Game It gift cards.  He did win a baby scooter the other day and was dancing around at diving singing, "I won a baby scooter!" Stockton doesn't care what he wins, he just wants to win!  Stockton does not have luck on his side.  He always complains how he can never win luck games.  Bryce added a point decay feature.  It takes points away from the leader.  Stockton is not a fan.  We have been having fun playing, hopefully we can continue to win prizes here and there.  I have a feeling that once a lot of people start playing it is going to be practically impossible to win.  Still is a fun thing to do together though.

Mike, Maysen and I went to Alta to watch Dancing with the Hawks.  My nephew Michael was competing.  Different kids were picked from different areas and asked to dance with a ballroom person.  Michael was picked from the drama, choir area.  He was amazing!  So much fun to watch!  He was the only one to receive a 10 and he received two of them.  He and his partner won the competition.  So much fun!  I'm glad we were able to see him.  After the show, Mike and I wanted to use our coupons at Johanna's Kitchen.  The website said it was open until 10:00, but when we got there they had a sign saying they are only open for breakfast and lunch.  Boo!  We ended up going to Sconecutters.

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