Saturday, December 13, 2014


I took my last group of girls to Kneaders today.  This is what we did for the Young Women birthdays this year.  I loved this birthday idea, but it proved to be a little more complicated than we anticipated. There were four girls that were never able to go.  Becky bought them a little hummingbird cake there and I dropped them off later today.

Maysen, Stockton and Preston had a recital today.  Maysen sang two songs and the boys played the piano.  They even played a duet and I loved it!  We brought Max because my dad had a wedding to go to.  My kids went first at the recital because we had to leave right away.  The recital started at 11:00.  Stockton had a diving competition at the UofU. Warm ups started at 11:00.  Yikes!
Preston & Stockton
We made it, but Stockton wasn't able to warm up at all.  He was nervous about his reverse 1 1/2, but was able to pull it off.
Reverse 1 1/2
Inward 1 1/2
Becky invited the Young Women presidency and their husbands to dinner.  I was asked to bring a dessert.  I made a chocolate peppermint bundt cake.  It kind of stuck to the pan so it didn't look pretty, but it was delicious.  Once I put the crushed candy canes on top you couldn't notice the dent as much. Anyway, we had such a great time!  At the end of the night we played Telestrations.  It is a mix of pictionary and telephone.  We laughed and laughed.  This was my favorite.

Started with snowplow and ended with satan sacrificing a person.  Oh man, we laughed and laughed.  I was so tired when we got home, but it was a lot of fun!

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