Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Bean Museum

Preston had a field trip at the Monte L Bean Museum today.  It is down by BYU.  I was watching Anne this morning, so I decided to take her with me to surprise Preston.  We had gotten to American Fork when I realized that I left my purse at home!  I had brought all the paraphernalia that accompanies little babies, but forgot the things I needed.  I got off the freeway and found a place to park.  I looked in my car to make sure it wasn't hiding somewhere.  Nope.  I was about to turn around and go home when I decided to call the museum.  I asked what the cost of admission was.  They said it was free!  Parking was free too!  Woohoo!  Anne and I got back on the freeway and made our way to the museum.  The kids were on the bottom floor listening to a presentation when I got there.  Anne didn't want to listen, so we played in the hallway.  At the end of the presentation, all the kids got to touch a snake.  I was able to snap a picture of Preston.
Preston was so excited to see us, especially Anne.  He begged me to let him hold her.  According to him he has never held Anne before.  I don't think that is true.  The picture was adorable though.
 Anne & Preston
 The first one is my favorite, but her is another just because....
Anne loved the museum.  She kept saying, "Ah-mals!"  One time I put her down to stand and she screamed, "No! No! No! No! No!"  It was so funny.  She did not want to leave.  Again with the No!  So funny.  We got back to my house probably 20 seconds before Sam got there.  Sam was excited because her boss decided to retire.  The new boss is going to be much more flexible with her schedule.  Hallelujah!

Tonight was also my last activity with the Young Womens.  A few weeks ago I asked Jorja if there was any activity she would like to do.  Without a second hesitation she said, "Iceskating!"  So, iceskating it was.  I figured it would be the last time I would have any control over it, so I might as well make sure we do something Jorja wanted to do.  The Miamaids also were going iceskating, so that made it nice.  I decided to get the cool donuts from Beyond Glaze for the girls.  Jacqui and I would whisper as we ice-skated about how weird this was and how sad we are going to be to leave these girls.  I'm so going to miss them!

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