Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Stockton's 15th Birthday

Stockton is now 15.  That is so weird!  Mike took him driving the other day!  Yikes!  Just in the church parking lot, but still......

Stockton didn't have the best birthday.  He did have to go to school.  He went to diving yesterday so he could just stay home and relax.  Turns out he had a lot of homework he had to do.  He also had many tests today, so that wasn't much fun either.  I offered to bring Stockton lunch, but he didn't want me to.  I went to pick up his cake from Cold Stone while he was at school, but it wasn't ready.  We ordered it for 12:00, but the people accidentally put 2:00 on the ticket.  The guy felt bad and told me it was their fault and offered me free ice cream.  I couldn't pass that up.  I tried red hot ice cream because I love red hots. It wasn't that great.  I liked the cinnamon flavor, but the red hots just were smashed in chunks and had a weird texture.  It was no big deal to come back later, we didn't really have too much planned.  Maysen wanted to get Stockton nice chocolates, but we never made it out.  I decided to stop by Sees.  I was able to get a box of chocolates of just Stockton's favorites.  That was great!
Stockton wanted Little Caesar Pizza for dinner.  I picked up his cake when we got the pizza.  Jorja gave Stockton a background for his 3ds. He really liked it.
Jorja, Maysen, Stockton, Preston
 Maysen's chocolates were appreciated.
Stockton only asked for one present.  His main present was his phone which we gave him back in November.  When we were on our trip to San Francisco I bought a book called, "All My Friends are Dead".  It is pretty funny.  The only present Stockton asked for was the book, "All My Friends are Still Dead".  Again funny, but I don't think it tops the first one.
Stockton reading his new book. 
Scoop and Cori came over.  They gave Stockton a few presents.  He was laughing so hard because they gave him a shammie.  Shammies are used by divers to dry off after they get out of the water.  Stockton already has one but has refused to use it because a long time ago a ton of divers had shammies and they were annoying with them.  Now Stockton won't touch them out of principle.  It is really weird.
Here Cori is telling Stockton that it isn't a shammie, but a quick drying towel.  Which is exactly the same thing as a shammie.  It was pretty funny.  I personally think it was a great gift.  It showed Stockton that they know diving is important to him.  They would have no way of knowing his feelings on the shammies, which is why it was so funny. I'm writing this down to remember how funny it was because we got a good laugh out of it.  I'm not writing this down to tease Scoop and Cori because it really was a thoughtful gift.  They spent quite a bit of time with us today and it was so nice.
 Scoop gave Stockton this fun chest with different cool coins inside.
Here is Stockton's birthday cake.  He always wants the same cake every year.  Cold Stone chocolate everything.  He always changes the color of the icing though.  This year he even ordered it himself.  I have to admit the cake is delicious.
Another birthday is in the books.  Not the most exciting, but still effective.

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