Thursday, January 29, 2015

Lost Keys

I have been doing my super hard exercise program the last two weeks. It is Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays for two weeks.  I get up at 4:15.  I like to be there right when the gym opens so I can get my favorite spot in the back.  Plus he likes you to warm up on the treadmills before class starts.  Anyway, today I was up and ready to go and I couldn't find my keys anywhere.  I was getting frustrated and started to think I might not be able to go.  Now that I was up I didn't want to miss it.  I thought, "This is ridiculous!  I'm dressed, my water bottle is ready and I have the car warmed up!  Where are my keys!"  It took me a few moments to realize the keys were in the car, warming the car up.  Whoops.  I guess it is a little early!

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