Saturday, January 10, 2015

Bear River Diving

Mike, Stockton, Preston and I all went to Stockton's dive meet in Bear River.  Warm ups began at 9:00, so we left around 7:00.  Mike drove the motorhome.  That was nice because I was able to sleep for a lot of the way.  I was still so exhausted from yesterdays driving.

Preston was so cute during the dive meet.  Every time Stockton was up he took my 3ds and would video Stockton.  He took that job very seriously.  He would jump up, climb down the stands to get a good view and then do the job.  Stockton loved being able to see how he did.  They both loved playing the video in reverse!

Stockton did really well.  He took 4th place.  He changed his back flip and reverse to one and a halts. His twist he changed to an inward half twist free.  He was pretty nervous about doing them, but he didn't flop on any of them!  That was his goal.  4th place is not too shabby either.

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