Friday, January 9, 2015

Taylor's Open House

I drove up to Idaho to go to my cousin Taylor's wedding open house. He was married in Texas in December.  I went by myself.  My dad had a big meeting that he does once a year and Heather was in California. Mike was at work and my kids were in school.  The roads were great for the ride up and I was able to hang out with my grandpa for a couple of hours.  That was really nice.  It was fun to see family for a bit before I needed to head home.  Ordinarily I would stay overnight with my grandpa and head home in the morning, but Stockton has a diving competition at 9:00 tomorrow.  It is in Bear River which is about the half way point from our house and Idaho.  It would have been perfect to bring up the family and then stop in Bear River on the way home. Our neighbor, Josh, dives with Stockton.  His parents are heading out on a cruise tomorrow and asked if we could bring him.  That is the reason I ended up coming home today.  When I was just past Ogden I stopped at a gas station to walk around.  I was getting pretty tired.  I called Mike.  He told me that Josh decided not to go.  If only I had known that yesterday, it would have changed everything!  Oh well.  It was rough getting home, but I managed.  I pulled in about midnight completely exhausted.  I am glad I was able to go though.  It is nice to be close enough to family to be able to do things like this!

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