Thursday, January 8, 2015

Jorja Goes to the Temple

Jorja went to the temple for the first time today.  We went to the Draper Temple pretty early.  Mike works at the temple on Thursday and he really wanted her to come when all his friends are there.  I'm pretty sure all his friends are old men, but he was excited about it.
Maysen, Stockton, Jorja
I couldn't really get a good picture when it was still so dark outside. There were a lot of people at the temple today.  We were all waiting in the lobby until the baptistry opened.  Mike peaked around the corner and waved for us to come in.  Another guy that was waiting said, "She said to come in."  I laughed and said, "Except it is a he not a she!" "Really?"  "Yes!  He's my husband!"  So funny!  Mike introduced the kids to all the different people.  He hurried them through and got them ahead of all the big groups.  Maysen felt a tad bit guilty about that.  I told her it was one of the perks for having her dad serve there once a week.  Mike said it was because it is easy to fit three kids in instead of a big group.  One of the workers told me that I could dress in white and hand the towels to the kids when they finished.  Too bad he told me that too late for today, but that information might come in handy another time.  Anyway, today was a lovely morning with three amazing kids and their dad.

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