Wednesday, January 7, 2015


I met with Maysen's counselor for over an hour today.  Maysen has decided she wanted to do a veterinary program next year.  That is perfect for her, the only problem is it will take four classes.  Next year she needs English, math, physics, government, seminary and a full year of art.  Yep, we need to figure out something!  Maysen has two classes next semester that she doesn't need.  One is web design, the other is study hall.  Web design could be an awesome class or a waste of time class, depending on the teacher.  Ms. Court, Maysen's counselor, told me that the current teacher has decided to take an early retirement and it is looking like that class will be taught by different long term substitutes.  Okay.  We will be getting out of that one!  Study hall would have been nice with three AP classes and a college finance class, but art will have to take its place.  We were able to get Maysen into film studies and we are hoping she can take the online art class at the community college so she can get credit there too.  I can't believe how many hours I spend looking at the kids schedules. Just when I think I have it figured out, I don't.  Ms. Court said Maysen's is more complicated because there is so many things she can do and so many avenues she can take. Hopefully we will make all the right decisions because it is exhausting trying to figure out!

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