Saturday, January 24, 2015

Birthday Parties

Jorja and Preston went to Audrey and Blake's birthday party today.  It was at Airborne.  I think it is cute that they have their parties together when they are neighbors, boy and girl and two years a part.  They get along great though.  Jorja and Preston love playing with both of them, so it works out great for us too!  I sat in the birthday room and read a book.  I was so tired from my Banks workout this morning!

Stockton had a dive meet at Herriman today.  He went early with Josh. Mike drove the motorhome, even though it was only 30 minutes away. The kids loved it.  Stockton did really well, but not as high as last week. He scored 176.20,  three points lower than his high.  Not bad at all.  On the way home we stopped and picked up a Little Caesars Pizza for Stockton.  Jorja and I ran across the street and got her some KFC.  It was a little chilly, but it is January!  This has been a crazy, warm winter!

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