Sunday, January 25, 2015


Yesterday I got a call asking if I could come and talk to Brother Bingham before church.  I was pretty worried about it.  I told Mike that I will probably be asked to do scouts or primary because it was Brother Bingham talking to me.  That meant I wouldn't get to be with Jorja anymore.  I was so worried it would be scouts.  I was worried because I didn't want the calling just because it was logical, I wanted to know I was doing what Heavenly Father wanted me to do.  I knew Sue was leaving that calling and Preston was in her den, so logically it made since to have me do it.  Sure enough, that is what Brother Bingham asked me to do.  I started crying right then and there.  I have never done scouts before and it terrifies me!  I hate planning parties, doing activities and I hate being in charge of CRAFTS!  Now I will have to do an activity once a week.  How am I going to be able to handle that? Brother Bingham was shocked about my reaction.  He told me this was going to be a lot easier than what I have been doing.  I told him that I had a lot of help through Young Womens.  I had two advisors to help me with activities.  With scouts I feel I'll be completely on my own.  I will have an assistant.  She is an older lady that lives down the street. Her name is Judy.  I'm not sure if she will plan any activities or if she will just show up during scouts.  She is on a three week cruise in the Mediterranean right now, so it will be awhile before I can ask her! Anyway, right now I'm at the terrified stage.  I will do my best, I'm just really scared about this.  At least I'll have Preston with me, although that almost makes it worse!  Worse for Jorja that is.  She is going to be so jealous.

While I was waiting for sacrament meeting to start I took advantage of writing in my Personal Progress book.  I had finished two value projects I was working on.  One was bringing the cupcakes to my beehives, the other was spending over ten hours as a counselor in the Young Womens.  I can't remember which one this was, but at the end of my evaluation I wrote 'I have loved these girls.'  Today was ward conference and they do the sustaining of the church members.  Mike whispered that it was mean we would have to stand up when we knew we would be leaving.  It was pretty sad.  I gave my book to Jorja while they were doing this.  When they called my name I stood up and looked behind me.  I caught Sue's eye and she gave me a sad face.  Tears immediately came to my eyes.  It is going to be so hard to leave these girls!  As soon as I sat down Jorja leaned over and asked if I was still her leader.  I was surprised because I had just stood up to be sustained as the Young Womens 2nd counselor.  I told her I was.  She pointed at the words, 'I have loved these girls' in my Personal Progress book and said, "That's past tense."  Oh my Porge!  I love her!  I am going to miss having this experience with her!  I told Mike that I don't know if I keep crying because I am scared of scouts or because I know that for sure I won't be going back to Young Womens.  It's probably a little bit of both.

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