Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Joseph Smith

On Sunday we talked about Elder Anderson's talk on Joseph Smith at the last conference.  He gave a challenge to the youth.  One was to find a scripture that you know to be true and to share it with others.  The other was to read Joseph Smith's testimony.  Read it often.  Consider recording it in your own voice.  Today we had an activity to do just that. Eleven of my fourteen beehives came.  Two of them were on vacation. Wow.  To an activity that was going to be spiritual.  It was wonderful. First each of them shared a scripture they knew to be true.  They came prepared.  We had marvelous discussions about all sorts of things.  One of them shared a scripture about how good will be called evil and evil good.  That turned into a discussion on modesty.  The girls were so great.  I loved it when they shared their favorite scriptures, they had well thought out reasons.

We then read Joseph Smith's testimony.  We stopped at different words and made sure the girls understood what the words meant.  We talked about Satan attacking Joseph Smith so he wouldn't be able to pray.  Kristen related that to today.  She said that Satan doesn't do a full on attack like he did here with Joseph Smith, but it is more like us forgetting, getting busy or tired.  I can't word it right, but she I loved it. I printed out copies of Joseph Smith's testimony.  I had shortened it to just the actual testimony, because the entire thing would be too overwhelming for the girls.  That is one reason we went through the entire thing, so they would know what I didn't put in.  I wanted them to know that even though it was shortened I didn't change what Joseph Smith was trying to say.  My favorite part is, "I had actually seen a light, and in the midst of that light I saw two Personages, and they did in reality speak to me; and though I was hated and persecuted for saying that I had seen a vision, yet it was true....I had seen a vision; I knew it, and I knew that God knew it, and I could not deny it, neither dared I do it."

Anyway, we sent the girls into different rooms so they could have a chance to record the testimony in their own voice.  Then we had treats. I couldn't believe how well this activity went.  The spirit was so strong and the girls were amazing.  What am I going to do without them?  I'm not looking forward to February.

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