Monday, January 19, 2015


I have decided I'm going to write up my feelings and not post them until later.  I am so behind on my blog, and one reason is because what I am spending most of my time thinking about I can't say!  Anyway, a few weeks ago I wrote about some sad news I received.  That sad news is the Young Womens presidency is going to be released.  We have been serving for almost three and a half years.  I have loved it.  I am not ready for it to end.  Yesterday, when I was waiting to get something out of the clerks office I saw Sue.  I sat and talked with her and told her how much Preston loves scouts.  Brother Brown poked his head out the door and motioned for Sue to come in to talk to him.  As soon as she went inside my heart dropped.  I turned and found Jacqui who was around the corner and said, "Brother Brown is talking to Sue right now!"  She smiled as soon as she came to the same conclusion as I did. She said, "She will be great with the girls."  I know, but Sue has Preston right now!  I don't want him to lose her!  Once Sue left Brother Brown asked to talk to me.  As soon as the door closed I said, "Please tell me Sue is still with the scouts."  He smiled and said, "She is actually taking your calling."  NO!!!!!  At the same time, YES!!!!  Sue is one of the most amazing people in this entire ward.  She will definitely be able to handle my 14 beehives.  Not everyone would be able to do it, they can be a challenge.  She will also love those girls completely.  The sad thing is, she will be leaving Preston.  He loves her.  She does such a great job in scouts.  She is going to be missed in that calling!

Anyway, I decided to go running today.  I got to the end of my street and Sue was there.  She had been running with a friend.  I went up to her and tears immediately filled my eyes.  She said, "You know."  Yep. She said, "It was not my choice.  I asked Brother Brown if the Bishop was okay with this."  She is so sad to be leaving these boys.  She asked how many beehives we have now.  I told her 14 and her eyes about popped out of her head!  I had been working on a paper to give to the new 2nd counselor.  One that had all the girls names, phone numbers, and different things about each of them. Also other various pieces of information that would be good to know.  Sue walked back with me and I got it for her.  Now she will be able to get a grasp of her new girls before this change takes place in a few weeks.  Sue told me that Kristen and Kari will be staying.  Yay!  If Jorja lost both Kristen and I on the same day I think she would lose it.  Kristen has become Jorja's best friend in the ward.  She lives across the street.  Jorja texts her all the time.  Kristen loves it.  Kristen is a year younger than me and has never had the opportunity to be married.  She is amazing.  Our entire family adores her.  I am so glad she will still be with Jorja.  I told Sue that Kari is actively looking to move.  Right now she lives with her parents and she is anxious to move out.  She also attends a singles ward after going to church with us.  She was planning to move by January, but then the girl she was going to room with changed her mind.  Anyway, I think she will be moving really soon.  I told Sue to please put me on the short list when Kari moves.  I would love to be back in beehives.  Sue as a counselor, Kristen and I as advisors.....what a dream!  (I mostly didn't want to be overlooked because I had been in there for so long.....)

Well, I didn't get a whole lot of running done, but I don't think it was a coincidence that Sue was on the corner when I went by.  Especially since I rarely run!  I am glad she is the one that was called to take my calling.  I know she will be great.  I'm just sad for Preston.  I'm also sad to be leaving as well.  Hopefully I'll get back with Jorja somehow!

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