Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Movie Night

Stockton had a stake speed dating activity.  He was not excited about going to that one, but he ended up having fun.  They had five questions they had to answer.  Stockton's dream vacation is Vermont.  Who knew?  Also, if he could meet anyone in history it would be Adam.

The beehives weren't invited to the stake activity.  Sometimes I get a bit frustrated about that.  Like when they are playing games, or doing a color war.  That's just weird not to invite the beehives and deacons. This activity I was okay being left out.  We wanted to do something just for fun.  Kristen decided she wanted movie night.  She brought pizzas for the girls.  Mike had popcorn.  We had a lot of girls there and it ended up being so fun!  Kristen brought Ella Enchanted, but some of the girls had seen that one many times.  She ended up running home (she lives across the street) and brought back What a Girl Wants.  I think that is the title.  Anyway, it was a nice relaxing night.  I think the girls had a lot of fun.

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