Monday, January 12, 2015

Snowy Day

According to a lot of people in the know, this was supposed to be a gigantic winter.  Well, they were wrong.  Or I understood them wrong. I understood Farmer's Almanac to warn of a crazy winter.  I guess it has been crazy.  Crazy in the lack of winter!  It really has only snowed twice. Once on Christmas Day.  How amazing is that?  It also snowed today. The boys were supposed to get their hair cut.  Preston had scouts at the exact time of the haircut.  (This appointment was set up before he was in scouts.)  I called this morning and changed it until tonight.  When the time came I had no desire to get in the car.  It was snowy and icy. What good is a haircut if you smash your face up on the way?  I was able to call and reschedule for next week.  It was nice to stay home on such a cold day.  Preston has worn his boots almost every day since winter was supposed to come.  Today he wore crocs.  Go figure?  I went to pick him up from scouts, but he was almost home.  His poor feet were freezing!

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