Saturday, February 14, 2015

Couples Extreme

I talked Mike into going to the gym today.  We went to this 'couples extreme' class.  It was pretty fun and funny.  We did all sorts of weird exercises.  Mike's favorite was when one of us put the band around our waist and tried to run as fast as we could while the other one was supposed to hold you in place while doing deep squats.  I couldn't budge Mike and he had no problem moving me!

Mike gave me a cool journal.  Both of us are supposed to answer a question a day.  For three years.  I had him help me pick out a mattress topper for the motorhome.  I want one for the overhead bed.  When we want to leave early, Mike and I sleep up there.  I have a hard time getting comfortable.  Last time Mike moved our mattress topper and it was so much better.  I am really not a high maintenance person, except when it comes to my back and sleeping.  I wish it were different because it is annoying not being able to sleep.  Anyway, this will be nice to have a permanent topper so Mike doesn't have to move the other one back and forth.

That's about it.  We had a pretty relaxing Valentine's Day, and it was great!

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