Sunday, February 15, 2015


Friday I got a text asking if I could sub for a primary class.  There are five boys in this class and no girls.  I said okay, but I was a little disappointed.  I haven't been able to go to Relief Society for years and I was looking forward to going to the church history class with Maysen and Mike.  I read through the lesson on Saturday, but didn't start really planning it until Sunday morning.  I got up at 6:00 and started working on it until we left for church at 9:00.  After sacrament meeting two people stopped me to talk about things I really needed to figure out. (One of them was Judy.  She will be doing scouts with me.  She was on a three week cruise and just got back.)  I rushed away from them because I needed to get to my class.  It took me a few tries before I found the right room.  I went in and announced that I was teaching today.  They were confused because their teacher's bag was on the table.  What?  Apparently this class is team taught.  I stressed, prepared and worried about this lesson for nothing.  When the other teacher came in the room I told her that I was asked to teach.  She said, "She knows it's my week.  That's weird.  What is your name?  Can you teach on March 1st?"  I asked if the other teacher was going to be in town.  I didn't want to go through this again.  She said, "I only want to teach every other week.  When it is my week I don't want to bother her.  I'm sure she feels the same way."  What?  That's the craziest thing I ever heard.  So, you are getting a sub and the other teacher of the class might be here anyway?  Can't you just trade weeks?  I told her I would have to look at my calendar.  When I got home I noticed it is a three day weekend.  Right now we are not planning on going anywhere, but I don't want to say yes and then later wish we could have made a quick trip somewhere.  Especially if the other teacher might be in town!  I texted the lady back and told her the kids have a three day weekend and we are not sure what our plans will be.  Super weird.

I didn't make it to either class I wanted to go to.  I was so thrown off by what happened.  I ended up going to the bishops office and asking to get set apart.  That took a bit.  Then Sue came and talked to me to ask my opinion about some Young Women things.  Mike overheard someone say that Autumn's fridge went out.  Autumn is Kristin's mom. Mike and I went home during Relief Society to clean out our extra fridge so they could use it if they needed to.  They had missed my phone call and gotten ice at the store.  They ended up not needing to use it, but at least they know they could have if they wanted to.

The beehive class was split for lessons today.  Kristin was sent to the opposite class of Jorja.  She was so good to Jorja though.  She asked Jorja if she could be her spy and tell her when went on in the other class.  Then they walked home together so Jorja could let her know what went on.  She is so good to Jorja!

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