Monday, February 2, 2015

First Time with the Wolves

Sue had handed out a scout schedule for the next three months.  She didn't have scouts for today or next week because today she is having surgery and Judy (her assistant) is on a three week cruise in the Mediterranean.  I was tempted to just stick with her schedule, but then decided it would be best to jump right in.  No sense just worrying about it for a few weeks!  I decided to do some get to know you activities and then have the boys make catapults out of marshmallows.  I let them shoot the marshmallows everywhere.  They had a great time.  I didn't anticipate all the marshmallows that would be stepped on though!  I had to scrub the floor for a long time after the boys left!
Preston with his marshmallow catapult
Preston was excited to show the boys his treehouse.  They loved it up there.  He also showed them the motorhome.  I think he likes me being his scout leader.
Griffin, Braxton, Preston
 Standing on a tree branch in the tree house

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