Sunday, February 1, 2015

No More Young Womens

Today was an emotional day.  The Young Women's presidency was released.  We had been serving for almost three and a half years.  I have loved it.  I am going to miss working closely with Becky and Jacqui.  I have learned so much from Becky.  She has been a phenomenal Young Women's president.  I also officially was called into scouting today.  I'm still a little nervous about that one.  I am going to miss my girls.  All fourteen of them.  Mostly Jorja.  At least I can still have her at home and no one is going to release me from being her mom.

We had a combined lesson today.  Becky, Jacqui and I each taught a part of it.  Traci helped me out a lot.  One of my favorite quotes is from Thomas S. Monson.  I asked Traci if she could take that quote and make it look nice.  This is how it turned out.  Isn't it beautiful?  Thank you Traci!
I was extra thankful for Traci because the rest of my lesson didn't go as planned!  I only had about 7 minutes for my part.  I asked one of my old beehives to do a part of my lesson.  I reminded her on Saturday with a text message.  The only problem is, she didn't show up!  After having a minor panic attack noticed that she texted me a few minutes before sacrament meeting saying that she was going with her family to a Super Bowl party.  Okay, new plan.  Everything worked out just fine, but thanks to Traci I at least looked a little prepared!

I was glad we were able to teach the girls one more time, but it was pretty hard.  Poor Ebony was so upset.  She was sobbing.  I saw Sue talking to her letting her know things would be okay.  I talked to her a bit later and told her I was going to miss her.  She sobbed as she gave me a giant hug, "I don't want you to go.  I love you being my teacher."  I am sure going to miss her.  I'm glad that I did a good job in this calling. I'm glad my girls aren't throwing me out the door excited to have someone else.  Ebony's going to love Sue.  Everyone loves Sue.

I feel like we did an excellent job for the three plus years we served. Becky made the comment that she feels we didn't leave anything on the table.  I'm glad I can walk away knowing I did my best.

We had my family over for dinner and the Super Bowl.  Mike made fajitas.  We didn't want to have my dad make dinner because it is my mom and dad's forty-sixth anniversary today.  I was hoping to go down to the cemetery (Sam's idea) together, but we never got the chance.  We did watch the Super Bowl together.  Gayle came as well.  I wasn't a big fan of the ending.  What a great ending it would have been if the Seahawks had scored after that amazing catch!  Too bad he couldn't get a few more yards after he caught the ball.  Oh well.

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