Friday, February 20, 2015

Goat Finalists

We went to a Chinese New Year party at Lisa and Nathan's house.  The year of the goat/sheep/ram.  They had a lot of yummy food!  They had a movie on called Iron Monkey.  The kids thought that was kind of silly. They also had a contest to see who could draw the Chinese character of the goat the best.  Nathan picked five finalists.  All four of my kids made it into the finals.
 Preston - notice the character in the ram's face
Below it says something like, "The goat I drew"
 The winner!  Jorja
Jorja won a Panda Express gift certificate.  Nathan gave the five papers to Nova, Melissa's 1 1/2 year old, and she picked one out.  Weston put Jorja's name on his drawing.  It was pretty funny.  My fortune cookie said, "Smile if you like this fortune."  It was a fun night.

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