Saturday, February 21, 2015

Cookie Party

A few weeks ago Mike started doing Time With Dad again.  The kids have been thrilled.  Stockton has Monday, Preston has Tuesday, Jorja has Wednesday and Maysen has Thursday.  Preston actually did his today because he had the Blue and Gold banquet on his real day.  They worked on making dragon eggs into a wand station in Mike's workshop.  Mike finally got his workshop cleaned.  During the remodel we used the room to stuff things.  Mike is so happy to have it back!
Preston and Mike
 Mike, I don't think that is safe!
 Mike and Maysen have almost finished their 3d Settlers board
Maysen had a Girls' State interview today.  She felt she did really well. There are 21 applicants and only 7 girls will be accepted.  Even if she doesn't make it, I'm so glad she tried.

Seth and Megan had their annual cookie party.  I made chocolate covered cookie dough.  Basically the same as the homemade reeses, but with cookie dough instead of peanut butter.  I had so many cookies! They were delicious!
Jacqui won best tasting cookie and also best overall cookie.  She made a brown butter sea salt cookie with nutella in the middle.  It was really good, but super rich!  Because Jacqui won best overall she got to take home Seth's cookie.  He had to take himself out of the best looking cookie competition because it just wasn't fair.  This was his cookie this year.  It took him about an hour to decorate this.  Crazy!

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