Sunday, February 22, 2015


Preston is going to be so mad if he sees this post.  After Preston and Jorja went to bed, Mike, Maysen and I played Settlers of Catan with the new board.  Stockton did not want to play.  Preston went to bed saying, "But I thought we were going to play Settlers!"  I told him we ran out of time.  We did.  We couldn't finish a game before his bedtime, but we could before Maysen's.  We thought it would be good to play a small game before we tried it out with the family anyway.  Maysen was extra happy because she won.
Maysen also got called as a Ward Family History Consultant today. She, of course, didn't let us know that was going to happen.  We were pretty surprised when they had her stand up in church.  She likes doing that to us.

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