Monday, February 23, 2015

Secret Messages

For scouts we played with secret messages.  The boys seemed to enjoy it.  They liked making messages for the other boys to decipher.  We also made invisible ink with lemon juice, although Mike helped make this so cool!  He had these pen things that we were able to put the lemon juice in, so it looked just like a pen!  Then we cooked it in the oven.  Pretty nifty.  I also found some robin eggs for Easter that you could write on with edible makers.  They LOVED that!  We managed to stay busy the entire hour, so that was definitely a win!

Once the scouts left, Maysen and I went to the mall.  She had to do a psychology experiment where she needed to drop things in front of someone and see if they would help her pick them up.  She had to make sure they were by themselves and not in a group.  Out of the ten people, only one person stopped to help pick up her papers.

Once her experiment was over we went to dinner at Village Inn.  It was wonderful to have some time to chat just with her.  She told me how lucky she felt to be in our family, with a mom who can stay home and a dad that is awesome.  Made me happy.

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