Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Doorbell Surprise

It is weird not going to the youth activities on Thursday.  I walked with Jorja and Kristin down to Sue's house.  I thought about going in and hanging out at their P party, but I knew I needed to let the girls go. They need to bond with Sue instead of me.  Around 8:00 I heard the doorbell ring.  I expected it to be one of my three older kids.  Instead it was my beehives!  They filled our entire porch!  It was so great to see them.  They are amazing and so full of life.  It was awesome.
During their activity tonight they made me this apron.  I love it.  It is cute because most of the girls signed with the nickname Kristin has given them.  I know most of the nicknames, but I haven't paid too much attention to them because that was Kristin's thing.  The girls love them.  So much fun!
Jorja, Stephanie, Preston
In case you were wondering, Jorja's nickname is Rana.  That is frog in Latin I think.  

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