Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent/teacher conferences at the high school went from 4-8 today.  I was there the entire time.  Maysen got extra credit if she attended for her ceramics class.  I told her to bring something to do because we were going to be there for awhile!  She was a trouper and didn't complain once.  She did get a lot of homework done.  After we visited her ceramics, she set up shop at one of the tables in the cafeteria and did homework while chaos surrounded her.

I did make it to everyone of Maysen and Stockton's teachers.  Yay!  I learned that there is a technology contest of making video games.  I tried to get Stockton interested in that.  The maximum of people in a group is 5.  I asked his teacher what the minimum was.  It is 2.  That might be too many for Stockton.

I can't even remember how many teachers said Stockton had the high of their class.  One of them said, "I can't remember his grade, but it is crazy high.  Probably 118%."  I am so proud of both Maysen and Stockton.  They are working hard for their grades this year and it shows.

I was on my way out to the seminary building when I ran into Lisa and Michael.  I asked Lisa if she ever noticed Mike's picture down the hall. They have all the student government pictures since the school was built.  She said she looks at it every time.  Michael had no idea her was in one.  We helped him find it.  He asked his mom what year she graduated from, then laughed at their clothes.  Lisa and I both graduated from the school our kids are now going to.  Crazy.

There was a huge line for Ochoa (AP history).  He came in late because of soccer tryouts.  Michael went home and Maysen waited next to Lisa while I went to Courtney (math).  I almost got to Heffner (AP Geography) before Maysen was next for Ochoa.  Maysen came and waited in the geography line while I talked to Ochoa.  That was really helpful.  Later Maysen said, "I have no idea why I didn't ask Michael for a ride home."  Poor Maysen!  I didn't think of that either.  Whoops.

While Lisa was waiting to talk to Ochoa she said, "This is my last conference with one of my kids teachers ever."  Wow.  Michael is a senior, he is her youngest.  He is her fifth child to go through the school.  That would be so weird.  I'm glad that's not me.  I love this stage of my life right now!

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