Thursday, February 26, 2015

Watching Anne

I was a bit frustrated with Preston this morning.  I had been gone so much this week that I wasn't able to personally oversee that his homework was done.  I had asked him to do it several times as I headed out the door.  He just looks at me and says, "I forgot."  I tried to have him finish this morning, but you just can't study for a Chinese test at the last second and expect to do well.  Anyways, it started snowing today.  This has been the craziest winter!  It has been so warm with hardly any snow at all.  Preston went to school wearing crocs; which he has done several times this month.  Today it snowed. All I could think about was Preston having to go to recess in crocs.  I was watching Anne today.  We decided to go to lunch with Preston.  I wouldn't make it for his first recess, but at least he could have his boots for his long one.  I met Preston's class in the hall.  He was towards the back of the line. When he saw Anne and I his entire face lit up.  He had the biggest smile I have ever seen.  Pure joy.  It was awesome.  Preston loved eating lunch with Anne.  I had warmed up her peas and hotdogs.  It worked out really well.  I decided I wanted to surprise Jorja also.  I knew I was cutting it close on time, but I thought I might make it.  Too bad lunch ended earlier than I thought.  The kids were walking to their classes.  I hurried to Jorja's Chinese class.  Once I got in there and looked inside I saw there was no one there.  I was confused for a bit before I remembered it was A day.  Jorja has orchestra on A day.  If I would have realized that when I got there we could have made it.  I didn't want to barge into her orchestra class, so we just went home.  Oh well.

Stockton had so much fun playing with Anne when he got home.  He took lots of pictures and asked me to bring my cell phone.  He wanted to text Jorja pictures of Anne every minute on her way home. I was supposed to text Stockton a message about diving so he would know when to start texting.  Jorja has been staying after school this week to work on a Chinese song for this big multi school Chinese extravaganza next Tuesday.  When Jorja got to the car she was crying.  I guess they want them to dance as well.  She is not happy about that idea at all.  As we were driving away, Jorja started getting the texts of Anne.  That made her laugh.  Once we got home we saw Sam's car in the driveway, that made her sad again.  Sam stayed for about twenty minutes so Jorja was able to get her Anne fix.  These are the pictures Stockton texted Jorja.
 Anne and Stockton
 Just Anne
I took Stockton to diving today and then went back to parent/teacher conference.  I forgot to find Ms. Rees.  She is the one in charge of testing out of pe, and I had some questions.  I also talked to Mrs. Ferguson again.  She is also in charge of the yearbook.  I just wanted to let her know that Stockton is on the dive team and I didn't really want his name to be with the swim team.  She was great about it and asked me to send in a picture on Monday.  I told her it didn't need to be anything big, but an inset would be great.  She had her papers with her and cut out two swimming pictures and found the perfect spot for Stockton.  (Sorry about that random swimmers.)  I went to the counselors also and got the form for Stockton to try to test out of pe.  I hope he can do it.  I'm worried about the mile and a half.  He has to run it in 10 minutes.  Anyway, with him taking calculus (2 periods) and robotics next year, he just doesn't have any room for pe.  I talked to Ms. Court (my kids counselor) about Maysen's math class as well.  Maysen wanted me to double check that she could just take math 1040 (statistics) and it would satisfy the regents scholarship requirements. Ms. Court said it should, but I should send an e-mail to regents anyway and save the email.  That way if there is any problem we should be covered.  I was also hoping there would be a way for Maysen to sign up for the same four classes next year.  She is hoping to take the a veterinary class at a different campus.  The only problem is people from Jordan School district get first priority.  If there are any spots left she might get one.  It might be in the morning or it might be afternoon. She will not get a choice.  I was hoping to plan her schedule the exact same for morning or afternoon and then I could just delete one.  They won't let me do that.  We have to hope she gets in and then just guess which slot they think they will put her in.  Ridiculous.  Computers are great, but sometimes they take away common sense.

Stockton was pretty excited when he came home from diving.  He learned a 2 1/2 off of the three.  Gage's grandma videoed him doing one and he was able to show me.  I love it!  

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