Friday, February 27, 2015

Peter Pan

The kids had today off of school.  Mike also had today off.  Matt called around lunch time because he realized he left a part of Anne's high chair here.  He came to pick it up and brought Anne.  My kids pounced on Anne and proceeded to play with her.  Anne had been grumpy, but was super happy playing with the kids.  Matt had no idea my kids were home, so he had planned on staying zero minutes.  Instead we got to play two games of Dominion!  Matt won the first game and I won the second game.
I got a picture of Stockton diving in my e-mail.  It is pretty cool and perfect timing.  This is Stockton doing an inward one and a half.  I think this was at the Bear River competition.
Mike and I went and bought him temple pants.  He was still wearing the same ones he got before his mission.  They were quite uncomfortable.  Our plan was to get the pants and then go to the temple, but we were starting to get worried that we would run out of time.  So, instead we went to a movie.  We saw McFarland.  It was pretty good, but my kids probably would have hated it.  It was long.  I was getting anxious toward the end.  I was worried I would be late for Jorja.

Turns out I had just enough time.  As soon as we got home, Jorja piled in the car and we headed out to watch Jazzie in a play.  She was an Indian in Peter Pan.  She is adorable.  We talked her dad into going to Cold Stone afterwards.  Jorja was in heaven!  She was pretty disappointed that Jazzie isn't going to the Chinese celebration on Tuesday.  She thought for sure she would be there.  Jazzie has New Beginnings that day.  So does Jorja, but we are planning on missing it. Jorja has been staying after school practicing a Chinese song that she is supposed to sing with a few other people.  Now that Jorja knows Jazzie won't be there she is wishing she could just go to New Beginnings instead.  Jorja had been practicing for this before we realized New Beginnings was the same day.  Jazzie doesn't turn 12 until July, so New Beginnings is a bigger deal to her.
Jorja & Jazzie

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