Saturday, February 18, 2017

Dead Car

I went up to Logan today to bring Maysen home for the weekend. We went grocery shopping, out to eat, bought some frogs, did dishes; you know, the usual. Things were fine until the way home. We had been driving four about 30 minutes when I noticed the battery light was on. This was weird, because I didn't think the car battery could die while you were driving it. I had Maysen text dad about it. He didn't know what was going on. Then a little before North Salt Lake I felt something weird. Kind of felt like we got a flat tire. I didn't know what was happening. I put on my hazards and tried to get to the slow lane as fast as possible. I was in the carpool lane at the time. I went through the double white lines to get there. I thought the car would die as soon as I was on the right side of the road, but it didn't. It kept acting weird though. More and more lights came on.
 Air bag light is now on, all the gauges have gone to zero. No gas, no speed ~ even though I was driving.
 Now the emergency brake light came on as well
I had to stop at the second stoplight off of the freeway. I was so nervous when I came to a complete stop. When the light turned green I could barely move. I was flooring it but it just puttered through the intersection. I managed to get just past the intersection and to the side of the road before the car completely died. Too bad it was in the middle of a lane. Everything died on the car. I couldn't get the hazards on. I couldn't shift into neutral so the car could be pushed out of the road. It was awful and embarrassing. Several nice people stopped to see if they could help. One of them was Brian Leatherwood. He stayed with us for a bit. It was fun to see him, but I wish it was under different circumstances. About ten minutes after we had been there a policeman came. He parked behind us. I felt grateful for that. People were able to notice to car and get over earlier.
I texted Mike to ask him to get us a tow truck. Mike got one on the way and then had to get Stockton to come back from Gavin's house. Stockton had the jeep there. They were practicing their drama pantomime that is due next week. I felt bad that he had to leave early. Mike got here about the same time as the tow truck guy. He had a fancy truck and was able to drop our car in a parking lot of a repair shop across the street from Steve's car lot.
We were all exhausted by the time we arrived home. We did watch the pilot episode of Monk. Maysen needed to watch and write a report about a show with someone with a mental disorder. Monk wasn't on the list, but I told her I thought she would like it. She got permission for it. Now she just needs to write the paper. It is for her Abnormal Psychology class.

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